Business Page
Experience increased visibility, website traffic, & engagement.




A business page is where fans and customers go to engage your business. Signup here.


* Unmatched visibility
* Magnified sales, income, & cash flow
* High-quality social engagement
* Increased memberships, fans, customers, & superior customer experience

Build your music brand.
Showcase products & services.

Groups - A Revenue Generating Goldmine


  • Use Community Groups To Accelerate Sales — Groups allow customers to communicate about your product, while also allowing 2-way communication between you and your customer. Learn the unique needs of your customers to multiply revenue. *Most valuable, Groups allow customers, members, employees, and partners to engage together that maximize organizational efficiency and income.

    Groups create numerous customer touchpoints for unparalleled engagement, to learn detail customer needs, that increase sales. Groups make improving products and services easier, including upselling and introducing new products.



Group Benefits:

  • * High-quality social engagement that increase — sales, income, & cash flow
    * Customer insight to improve products, that propel revenue and upsell opportunities
    * Track common complaints, sources of confusion, while sparking new feature ideas that stimulate revenue
    * Customers provide feedback and share unique ways they’re using your products to solve problems, leading to greater purchases
    * Customers share their stories and experiences that increase brand loyalty, resulting in new sales
    * Connect with customers, partners, and employees in one place, to maximize growth



    • Use Events To Convert Followers To Customers – Promote your brand by inviting Group members to Events that maximize audience engagement and sales. For example - workshops, album release, fashion show, festival, Q&A session, product launch, charity event, networking mixer, store opening, webinar, etc.

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Superior Social Engagement

Engagement & Relevance

Employ personalized email campaigns to effectively engage and communicate with your audience. Get unmatched customer feedback. Find out what people are saying about your product. Build strong, authentic relationships with customers and fans that skyrocket revenue.

Influence & Visibility

Increase social engagement that quickly build an audience and increase website traffic. Crush revenue goals by growing followers and converting them into customers. Start by inviting people to your page.

Innovate & Amplify

Posting to your Business Page is an intimate way to instantly connect with customers, to let them know what your business is up to, that catapult earnings and cash flow. 

Explore our premium Business Membership offering.  >>

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Unparalleled Socializing

Social Features
— Our offerings include a professional business page*, website link*, community groups*, polls*, events*, mobile & desktop platform, business profile, announcements, review & ratings, and file sharing

Value-Added Features — sophisticated comments, private groups*, group messaging & chat, business post, image & video upload/YouTube link*, newsfeed, hashtag, discussion groups, communities, tagging, alerts; location, photo, & video sharing

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Your Brand is Priceless.
Post To The World.
Example Video Content.